- KIM Laboratory -

1)H.S.Kim, N.Motomura, S.Ishikawa:Detecting the center of rotational symmetry from rotational symmetric shape, The transaction of the institute of electronics, information and communication engineers D-II, Vol.J82-D-II, No.1, pp.158-162(1999)(Japanese).
2)H.S.Kim, S.Ishikawa, K.Kato, Y.Otsuka: Discrimination spinal deformity employing two characteristic axes on the moire images of human backs, Medical imaging technology, Vol.17, No.2, pp.148-154(1999)(Japanese).
3)H.S.Kim, K.Ishida, S.Ishikawa, K.Kato, Y.Otsuka, H.Shimizu: Discriminating spinal deformity employing centroids difference on the moire images, The transaction of the institute of electronics, information and communication engineers D-II, Vol.J83-D-II, No.3, pp.879-886(2000)(Japanese).
4)K.Yamamoto, S.Ishikawa, J.K.Tan, H.S.Kim, S.Hirokawa, T.Kawada:Three-dimensional image recontruction of hte human ACL, Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics,Vol.21, pp.151-156(2000)(Japanese).
5)H.S.Kim, K.Noda, S.Ishikawa, M.Tsukuda:Automatic extraction of liver regions and its capacity measurement from CT images,Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association,Vol.3, No.1, pp.59-65(2001)(Japanese).
6)H.S. Kim, S. Ishikawa, Y. Ohtsuka, H. Shimizu, T. Shinomiya and M. Viergever: Automatic Scoliosis Detection Based on Local Centroids Evaluation on Moire Topographic Images of Human Backs, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.20, Issue.12, pp.1314-1320 (2001).
7)H.S. Kim, S. Ishikawa, Y. Ohtsuka, H. Shimizu, Y.Nakada, T. Shinomiya: Spinal deformity detection from moire images based on differences in gray values on the left and right sides,Medical imaging technology, Vol.21, No.2, pp.131-138(2003)(Japanese).
8)H.S. Kim, S. Ishikawa, Y. Ohtsuka, H. Shimizu, Y.Nakada, T. Shinomiya: Automatic scoliosis detection based on discriminat analysis,Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association,Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-8(2003)(Japanese).

International Conference
1) H.S. KIM, S. ISHIKAWA, K. KATO, M. TSUKUDA, J. MATSUOKA: Extracting Gall Bladders from Ultrasound Images, Proceedings of Korea Automatic Control Conference, pp.248-251(1995).
2) H.S. KIM, S. ISHIKAWA: Extracting the Axis of Potential Axial Symmetry Employing Variance Minimization, Proceedings of Korea Automatic Control Conference, pp.434-437(1996).
3) S. ISHIKAWA, T. EGUCHI, T. YAMAGUCHI, H.S. KIM, Y. OTSUKA: Judging Spinal Deformity by Two Characteristic Axes on a Human Back, Proceedings of Korea Automatic Control Conference, pp.438-441(1996).
4)J. Matsuoka, F. Hisanaga, H. Kamiya, M. Baba, H. Fujishima, S. Yokohama, S. Ishikawa, H.S. Kim: Use of Handy Communication System with Digital Camera, "Color Zaurus"(MI-10DC, Sharp Co.Ltd), for Home-visit Nursing, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Aspects of Telemedicine, p.137(1997).
5)H.S. KIM, H. UENO, S. ISHIKAWA, Y. OTSUKA: Recognizing Asymmetric Moire Patterns for Human Spinal Deformity Detection, Proceedings of Korea Automatic Control Conference, pp.568-571(1997).
6) H.S. KIM, N. MOTOMURA, S. ISHIKAWA: Finding the Center of Rotational Symmetry from Noisy Forms, Proceedings of 3rd Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pp.354-361(1998).
7) H.S. KIM, K. ISHIDA, S. ISHIKAWA, Y. OTSUKA: Automatic Judgment of Spinal Deformity from Moire Images Employing Asymmetry of Local Centroids Location, Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, pp.242-245(1998).
8) H.S. Kim, T. Motoie, S. Ishikawa, Y. Ohtsuka, H. Shimizu: Spinal Deformity Detection Based on 2-D evaluation of Asymmetry of Moire Patterns of the Human Back, Proceedings of 1999 International Technical Conference on Circuits/System, Computer and Communications, pp.673-676(1999).
9) T. Naito, S. Hagiwara, M. Hitaka, S. Ishikawa, J.K. Tan, H.S. Kim, M. Yokota: Analysis of brushing strokes using a motion capture technique,The American Academy of Periodontology 86th Annual Meeting Abstract Book, p.1910(2000).
10) S.Ishikawa, H.S. Kim, F. Inoue, S. Shiramura:Man-Machine collaborative work based on visual communication, Proc. TENCON2000, II-321-325 (2000).
11) M.M. Rahman, H.S. Kim, S. Ishikawa: Solving a Dress Problem for a Human Model Recognition, Proceeding of SICE Annual Conference, CD-ROM: 212 A-3(2001).
12) H.S. KIM, K. NODA, S. ISHIKAWA, M. TSUKUDA: Automatic Extraction of Liver Regions from Abdominal CT Images, 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems,pp.76-80 (2001).
13) H.S. Kim, S. Ishikawa, Y. Othsuka, H. Shimizu, T. Shinomiya: Spinal Deformity Detection Based on Characteristic in Local Region from moire images, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp.818-821(2001).
14) D. Hirohashi, J. K. Tan, H.S. Kim, S. Ishikawa: Producing a Virtual Object with Realistic Motion for a Mixed Reality Space, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp.1084-1087(2001).
15) S. IGAWA, H.S. KIM, S. ISHIKAWA: Development of a Mobile Robot for Handicapped People, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp.59-62(2001).
16) H.S. Kim, S. Ishikawa, M. Khalid, Y. Otsuka, H. Shimizu, Nakada, and T.Shinomiya: Automatic Spinal Deformity Detection Based on Neural Network, The Sixth Annual International Conference Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention, pp.802-809(2003).

since 2003