Motion capture / 3-D recovery

3-D recovery and analysis of human motions

Motion capture is the process of capturing the movement of a human and creating the three-dimensional model. You can see this technique in the latest movies and computer games using computer graphics. Application field of this research includes:

Analysis of 3-D recovered human motions

Motion analysis based on the recovered 3-D model

Recovered walking motion
We apply our motion capture system to the analysis of human motion such as walking, tooth brushing, and so on.

Mobile Motion Capture

3-D recovery based on the developed mobile motion capture

Real data
Recovered 3-D data

3-D recovery of wide range motions

3-D recovery of team sports(basketball game)

Real motion
Movie (AVI file,8.3M)

Real-time 3-D recovery of a human motion

Real-time 3-D recovery of batting motion

Real motion
3-D model
Movie (AVI file, 1M)