About Us
We are currently focusing on three research areas: medical image processing, real time video image processing, and signal processing.

Medical image processing
We are developing computer-aided diagnosis systems based on image processing technologies such as CT(Computed Tomography), MR(Magnetic Resonance), CR(Computed Radiology), and microscope imaging. To develop the the CAD technologies, we propose some image registration algorithms, and detection of lesions using feature analysis or deep learning technique. Also we develop some segmentation methods for detection of multiple human organs. As a result, radiologists can easily detect abnormalities and treatment of diseases.

Real time video image processing
Analysis of human movement and posture is widely applied for behavior pattern recognition, sports training, and rehabilitation. In our laboratory, we develop a navigation system for automatedoperation of robot. Also, we develop an image analysis method for wheelchair to drive automatically using KINECT or a simple USB camera. We are also studying image analysis methods to detect positions for crane gripping from container images.

Signal Processing
Useful information can obtain by analyzing 1-D or 2-D signal data. In our lab, we analyze the characteristics of an IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor; one of the power devices), which is obtained one-dimensional or image data in the manufacturing process. By using the system, real time monitoring to detect failure automatically is possible.

Robot Vision
To compensate for the declining labor force caused by the declining birthrates and aging population, there is an increasing demand for factory automation and unmanned operation. Choosing a job in the logistics industry is no exception, and automation is required to improve efficiency. In this research, we develop an image analysis method that uses deep learning and conventional pattern recognition methods to detect and recognize objects from camera images attached to the robot and automatically extract the objects.